Friday, October 28, 2011

McNotagain 30

     Another weekend, another ultra.  After Forest Glen, Mcnaughton Park will seem tame.  I am so looking forward to getting to Pekin on Saturday morning and getting this thing started!   I have had two weeks of recovery and a good week of  carbo-loading,  I'm trying something different with the loading for this run, I am taking in almost 90 percent of my total calories this week with complex carbs.  I have gained a few pounds and hope they pay dividends at mile 25.  I will let you know.

Monday, October 10, 2011

One Down-Two To Go!!!

Farmdale is in the books.  33 miles-6 hours 30 minutes. Tried to make it in 6:15 but crashed on the last 4 miles.  Painful.  Next week is Forest Glen.  I've heard it is a very difficult course.  Very hilly and water.
We will see who is boss!

Monday, October 3, 2011

No Pushing 50!!

Well, 50 came and went without much fanfare.  Went for a short run to stay loose for this weekend.  Farmdale, Forest Glen, McNotagain.  All three in the month of October.  What a way to celebrate my 50th year.  Michelle treated me to a weekend at a bed and breakfast in southern Illinois.  We had a great time hitting all the wineries and just spending time together.  I will let you know how this weekend goes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Evergreen Lake Ultra a Great Success!!!

 It  took a couple of days to finally sink in that we really pulled this off!  Eddie, Jared, and Paul really kicked ass on Sunday.  It is hard to put into words the way I feel about what we have done.  Not to brag but I have been to a lot of races  over the years, and I have seen better run, but not many.  I also was humbled to the point of tears when I read the emails congratulating the race directors on such a well run event.  I just hope we can live up to expectations  next year.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Going Nuts!!!!

      The first Evergreen Lake Ultra is less than three weeks away and I am nervous as hell.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Evergreen Lake Ultra

     Only six weeks to go till the Evergreen Lake Ultra  not running-but race director.   Kinda nervous that we only have 16 runners so far.  I know a lot of ultra runners wait til the last minute but I'm starting to get worried.  The trails are running great right now. Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

One more day off.

     I start my ultra season training monday!!  Took two weeks off from any kind of hard training, let the body heal just so I can abuse it again in October.  We have a new runner with us these days. I love seeing the progress in new runners, and I especially like to see the reaction of a new trail runner when introduced to our sport.  What percentage of runners are "real" trail runners?  P.H. is going to be good.  I am so ready to get this training in gear,  I don't think I have ever look so forward to a running season as I have this one.  This is the beginning of the time of year when we separate the running geeks from the real runners.  Lets go!!!